Hotel and restaurant complex Lubny

We have everything for a comfortable stay

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Why you should choose us

Our prices are among the lowest in town

We are located in the very center of the city

We have a large number of comfortable rooms

Reviews about us are only positive

Hotel Lubny

Our hotel is located in the very center of the city. Near us there are two parks, a museum, a stadium, a post office, a city market, a supermarket and many household and grocery stores. The hotel has a parking lot, which is constantly under video surveillance.

It will be useful for guests of the city, tourists and people who like to visit ancient places to know that there are a lot of architectural monuments on the territory of Lubny: the building of the former diocesan women's school (now secondary school No. 10), Anna Kern's gazebo (now it is being completely restored) , Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin and other prominent places. All these buildings are located literally 10 minutes of moderate walking distance from our hotel.

And 6 kilometers from the city of Lubny is the Mgarsky Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, known throughout the country, according to legend, existed even before the Tatar invasion of the 13th century.

In 2021, the Lubny Hotel has been completely reborn. A major overhaul and cardinal restoration of all rooms were made here. We look forward to welcoming you to our renovated facility!

For you we have prepared 60 rooms of different types and price categories. These are economy class rooms, standard rooms, as well as deluxe and deluxe rooms (three-room suite with a sauna). In general, according to the type of comfort and the principle of accommodating guests, we can distinguish the following types of rooms:

  1. Economy (one-room, cooperative)
  2. Economy improved layout (three-room, cooperative)
  3. Standard-1 (one-room, single)
  4. Standard-1 improved layout (one-room, single)
  5. Standard-2 (one-room, double)
  6. Standard-2 improved layout (one-room, double)
  7. Suite
  8. Suite with Sauna (Deluxe)

As you can see, we offer a wide variety of accommodation options for vacationers, tourists, employees on a business trip in our city, and other guests of the glorious city of Lubny. So we are happy to welcome you to our hotel.

Restaurant Lubny

In addition to hotel rooms, we offer Lubny residents and guests of the city to visit our restaurant, which includes a whole range of entertainment facilities:

  • dining room;
  • banqueting hall;
  • hookah room;
  • karaoke room;
  • room for children.

It is very comfortable. After all, our guests can have breakfast, lunch or dinner in a restaurant without even leaving the hotel.

In addition, we offer our customers food delivery from the restaurant directly to the room.

Hotel Lubny - a place you will definitely fall in love with!

Our contacts

  • +38(05361)73-220
  • +38(095)241-32-49
  • 37500 Lubny, Poltava region, Maidan Volodymyrsky, 20

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